Wednesday, July 25, 2007

We have a new clinical officer!!!!!

He is Karamajon, a bit older and more mature, has a teaching degree and went back to school for clinical officer training. He seems to be very intelligent and interested in the work here. Pray that he would stay and not be seduced by the "perks" of a district job.

We just need a female nurse and our staff will be complete!!! Pray for God's provision!!!!!!!

Bean thieves... in the bright morning sun!!!!!!!!! Sunday at 8 am a group of women were out in the mission fields stealing beans and they didn't care that they could be seen and they weren't going until they got what they came for!!! The guards chased some away and then they came back so Craig took the truck and chased them, but they came back while we were in Church. We are in no way opposed to anyone gleaning the fields, but it would be nice if we have harvested it first before they start to glean!!!!!! I guess their idea of gleaning is to pick before anyone else has had the chance to do so. They think it is very funny when we chase them out of the fields.

About one third of our mission has or has had malaria! It's back!!!!! This is the first Craig has had it since mid 2006, I am still clear since Nov last year. The Tricarico family has barely been back 2 weeks and some of them have it. All except Al!!!! He has been blessed by God!! or he just doesn't taste good to the mosquitos!!!!! He has yet to have experienced the joy of malaria.

None of the visitors have gotten it yet, just things like sinus infections, slag in their eye, and strep throat. But thus far no one is down for the count, and a major amount of work is getting accomplished daily.

the new kitchen is almost finished, just a roll of tile to be put above the counter top, curtains to be put on the cupboards, and baskets to be weaved(not by us!!!)for drawers, and a small hutch type cupboard to be finished. What a difference and we haven't seen many cockroaches around lately!!!!! PTL!!!!!

A lot of work has been done on the Okken house remodel. Ceilings torn down, mesh put up in its place, ready for plastering, window and door switched and cemented into place, ready to be painted, and a few rooms stripped and painted. Windows painted inside and out!! Now there needs tile work done and ceiling plastering and more painting and plumbing and electrical work....all to be done for Pastor to move into in Nov. Craig just needs a few more hours in the day so he can do more work!!!! Between the bean harvest, repairing vehicles, directing the painters, instructing Ed and Jeremiah on the details of the kitchen, finding this and that for others, driving the ambulance, and threshing the beans daily plus having malaria...he might be able to squeeze a few more jobs in there!!!!!! He often says at lunch time that his morning was spent running in circles!!!! He may not feel he is getting anything accomplished but his list is less than half size and we can see all the things that have gotten done in just the last month!!! This place looks different with all the cleaning up that has been done, planting for trees and things, tearing things down that were an eye sore, painting, putting things away, general straightening up of the place.

The clinic is looking nice, new fencing and gates, trees planted, trees cut down, shelter built and new coat of paint on the water tower and a new solar panel!!!!! Soon there will finally be a roof on the clinic living compound shower!!!!! There is one on the main compound staff shower!!!!!! And the clinic staff love it!!!!!!!!

Soon the sorghum harvest will be starting!! The Lord has blessed us with a bumper crop and we are looking forward to all we can do with that crop. Pray for the harvest...not only harvesting the crops but for the harvest of souls as we live and work with the local Karamajon, that we would be Christian examples and be willing to share the gospel with those we meet!!!!!


Thursday, July 12, 2007

I just realized how long it has been since I posted anything. The last one I typed my internet (in Kampala) time ran out just as I was posting it and it was gone. Just like that!!!!!! Computers!!!!!! You never know!!!!!!

We are having problems with email, it only works maybe a day a week. And only during certain hours. It was very difficult when Craig and I were here alone, but it really isn't any different now that the Tricaricos and Chrissie are back. It still doesn't work!!!!!!! It took 2 weeks for emails to get through!! I guess there are plans in the works for internet, satellite dish, but it is so far out of our budget that we try not to even think about getting it as we just can't afford it.

Beans, beans, beans!!!!! We have beans!!!!! alot of them. Praise the Lord for His provisions!!!! Now we just need to get them out of the fields and dried and bagged!!!!!! And the "night raiders" have not been successful in their endeavors to help themselves!!!!! Craig posted guards in the fields with bow, arrows and whistles!! We had a visit last night but they were scarred away!!! Lets just hope that this will keep them away for a while longer!

The World Food Program is in the area and all of the workers had to leave early so they could get their food. Another free program that has been misused and abused. Most of the people who get it are the ones who have jobs and can afford food, and others sell their food and use the money to buy alcohol and their children don't have anything to eat. Sad!!! so for the next few weeks on market day most all the food available will be WFP food. And there will be alot of drunk people around!!!

Saw an old employee of the clinic today. He greeted very warmly and introduced me to his "new wife". While he worked for the clinic, he had a wife and five children, and was the translator for the church and a member. Today he said" I have freedom in my life, I have a new wife, a new job, and I am happy"!!! The other wife lives in another town with the children!!!! When you become a member of the church you are asked not to take any more wives, so if you are married to two, we wouldn't make you divorce one, just ask not to take more. I don't think this man will stay a member for very much longer.

Speaking of the clinic, we are now down to one nurse, as the clinical officer took a high paying job in Zambia this weekend. We are possibly going to close while we find new staff. The district is interviewing all levels of staff and it is likely that we could find some one fast, but in a month they would leave for a district know....low pay...and you don't have to actually work or show up for the job in order to get a check....but the checks only come about every 4-5 months. But that is ok cause you don't have to work during that time anyway!!!!!!!! This place is so in need of the Word!!!!!!! But I know God will provide, in His own timing!!!!!

Keep praying for us!!!! We are praying for you and would like to hear from you all!!!!
