Friday, January 18, 2008

Teeth and Houses

Craig is having a bit of a rough time with his teeth. First it was 2 wisdom teeth removed emergently, now he may have need of a root canal procedure. Pray for him as we take him to Kampala on Monday to see his favorite person, The Dentist!!!!!

The clinic is having pains of its own!!!! The walls are literally falling down around the staff. One of the staff woke to the down pour of a mud wall on his head!!!! This wall has been been fixed six times over the last eight months. It just is refusing to stay up!!!!!! And we aren't even close to the rainy season yet!!!! It looks like we will need to construct something and soon. I am hoping that we can raise $1700 for a round bonda, made from bricks or cement blocks. Termite proof and cool with a nice thatched roof. If we could raise enough for two bondas, we could build those in a few weeks and get the two families moved in and tear down the old mud house before the rainy seasons gets near.

Pray that the Lord would provide safe travel for us on Monday and as painless as possible dental visit that would take care of the problem.
Pray for the need to provide housing for the clinic staff.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Prayer list for us for this week.

I don't know if it is the hot weather or we are just struggling that much this week but both Craig and i would like your prayers for us.

We would like prayers for our spiritual growth. We are working in a very "dry" place and sometimes feel as though we are not continuing to grow because we get a bit lazy, we know that we can't do this or Satan wins!!!

Pray that I would have patience with the staff as we work on the issue of inventory control in the pharmacy. (it is not going well!!!)

Pray for Craig as he works on the tractors, that he would also have patience and gain great knowledge about repairing and keeping them running!!!!!

Pray for the mission as we will travel Tuesday to Mbale for a monthly mission meeting, will have a time to get supplies and weill finally get to see the Okkens!!!

Pray for the Okkens as they will make Nakaale their home starting on Wed., this will be hard on Sunshine and the kids as they will be leaving a bit of an easier livestyle behind and will have to leave good friends also.

Pray that we will see the "EGGS" that around us and will be renewed in them!! (evidence of God's Grace==EGG)

Also thank you very much RMCC for the Christmas cards!!! They were wonderful. Love the Pictures and would like to receive many more!!!!!!

Monday, January 07, 2008

Trouble in Kenya

We are only 30Klm at some places, away from the border of Kenya. Right now that country is in great strife. Over 500 killed, according to some news reports. Churchs full of people being burned to the ground, killing all inside. All due to political courruption during an election for the presidency of the country. This place that supplies alot of our products (Uganda's) is being turned upside down and inside out.

Fuel prices are now up to as much as 80,000 USH for 20 liters of disel fuel. Today we have heard that it will be closer to normal by the end of the week. Around 2000 a liter instead of 4-5000 per liter. We can't go anywhere as fuel shortages are everywhere and if you don't find the fuel you don't move!!!! You can't risk traveling as you may not be able to make it back home until more fuel is delivered.

I called our former Clinical Officer who lives in a very troubled place in Kenya.He said he and his family are in hiding, no food to buy and no where to get phone time for calling. He stated they were afraid to stay in their homes at night as people would break in and shot them. Many had been killed in their village. I told him I wished we could offer more help, but that we would pray and ask for protection for he and his family. His reply was "yes, please pray hard, ask God to help us" Can't get through on his cell now, he doesn't have airtime. We are praying for him!!!

It is truly amazing how fragile this world is, one day things are going very well, and the next some people's whole world has fallen apart, and it has had nothing to do with them.

What a true sign that we really need God, every where!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Sokee, daughter of Wilfred and Agnes, born Oct 9th, 2007

James, born Sept 18th, 2007 son of Elizabeth and Kyalo and big sister Faith, who turned 4 in Nov, 2007

This is Joyce's new daughter, Lonomin "Christmas" born Dec, 27th 2007
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Friday, December 28, 2007

This is Sokee, she is the daugther of Agnes and Wilfred, She was born on Oct. 9th 2007


This is Sokee, she is the daugther of Agnes and Wilfred, She was born on Oct. 9th 2007

(there will e pictures to come as soon as I can get thhis page to allow me to upload them)

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Life and Death

It happens here, neither with much fanfare, death and birth.
On Christmas day, a 20'something year old man died from organ failure, because of his hard and destructive life style. He died on the day he was born, years before. His mother was there when he was born and she was there when he died, and almost no one else. The funeral was in Morto, and was reported that almost no one attended that either. She is one of the clinic staff named Josephine.

Just about the time of the burial of this young man, his aunt gave birth to her 8th child. Joyce gave birth with her mother with her to help. But no one else was there. Later one of her older children came to the compound to tell why his mother had not come for work that day and to ask for soap and a basin and blankets and pain medicine for his mother. He also didn't know what sex the child was, that's not important right now, they are waiting to see how things go.

In this culture they don't plan ahead for the birth of a child, they don't buy things until after the child is a few days old. Why?? Because many times they don't live very long and then you would have wasted all that money on things that you don't need right now. And to store it for the next birth would mean that you must risk a neighbor asking you for it and you would be obilagated to give it, and you would be out alot of money. So after the birth then you get what you can from your neighbors and then you buy the rest.

Here you don't announce that you are pregnant, you don't even tell your husband for many months and then you can use that information against the other wife. Husbands don't spend time with the pregnant one after they are around 5 months, so wives hold back that information so they can keep the husband away from the other wife for as long as possible. Most village wives are left to the care of their mothers until delivery. If you don't have a living mother then it is the mother-in-law who helps in the delivery. Around here most of the births are still at home in the dirt and filth and old practices of cutting and bleeding and other horrors. They will beat a first time mother is they think that the mother is doing something to keep from delivering the baby. They will with hold food and water and beat themwith a stick until she goes into labor, many times from the trauma, and then she will have problems delivering, why??? Because she has been beaten, given nothing to eat of drink for a few days and is probably only 13-14 years old!!!!!!! No wonder the survival rate is so low!!!!!!