Thursday, December 06, 2007


As you may have read in the paper or have seen on the news, there is an Ebola out break in Western Uganda.It does not affect us phyiscally, but our hearts are sadden.

This is an area that has a team of World Harvest missionaries, and it has affected them. The Myhre's, Scott and Jennifer and their children live there, and Scott and Jennifer are Doctors for a district hospital.

This is where some of the first cases were found, and sadly, many of the medical personal have been exposed, many are ill and some have died.
A man that the Myhre's helped and loved, who went to medical school with their help, was one of that staff to become ill and he has died. I am not sure of the exact numbers, but we know of three others of the staff that have died.

The Dr.'s Myhre have sent their children to a safe area, but the fact is mom and dad are not with the kids, and Dad is still treating patients in the middle of the out break, risking his life.

There are many aide organization there to help, so pray for all of these people as they risk their lives to save the infected. Pray that God would have mercy on all of us and protect all from the disease.
Pray that God would stop the spread of the disease. And pray for the families of those who have died.
We are safe from this disease so far!!! Pray that god will continue to keep us in a safe area.


At 11:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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