Rat Sale in Karamoja!!!
It must have been great year in Nakaale for the rats!!! Many days these last few weeks, there have been rat sales by the dozens!!! These little sheppard boys are making a killing on the sales. They come by the clinic with their stringers full of rats hanging either by their tails or front paws. People swarm these boys and the rats sell like hotcakes!! Some one told me that they go for 100 shilling (6 cents) for 6 of them. What a bargain!!!! These 6-8 boys, all about 5 to 11 years old, have been busy catching and selling many rats. They must be making alot of money, as they come around serveral times a day with their fresh catch to sell. And people are waiting for them with money in hand. Fresh meat!!!
It is raining in Karamoja again. We are having our Christmas rains, I guess. Pastor Al called us and told us that it has been raining so we could be prepared for our trip home in the morning. Or be prepared to spend the night in Mbale. We did that last time we tried to get back after Thanksgiving, we didn't get stuck, but lots of big trucks did and we couldn't get around them. It's the pits!! You know you need to get back so you can return to work, but you can't get there. I guess it is God's way trying to teach us something!!!!
He been doing alot of that these days, bad roads, long waits for getting business done and day long aventures just trying to see a Doctor. But then this is Africa!!!
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